Some Important Reasons You Haven’t Launched Your Online Course

It can be difficult to start. Here are some reasons that you need to do anyway.

For many of us, launching an online curriculum remains an ambitious goal, instead, we have taken a clear step to fulfill. Online courses form an academic concept, and to make a lot of appeal as a way to start a business for entrepreneurs. However, for whatever interest they have, many people will struggle to get the trainers out of the ground.

There are many good reasons for which a person can launch his online course, but there are many obstacles that can be removed with small plans and research. If you have caught the idea of your curriculum for many years, because you do not know where to start, then there a few factors that can take you back and how to be around them.

  • You have not selected any topics.

Some online teachers have a good idea of what they want to teach before starting, while others are more interested in online education as a concept or business model. For those who want to see their hands in online learning but not to settle on any subject, initially, it seems like putting a car in front of a horse.

And they are not wrong: while there is so much to learn about director design and LMS, yet no defined course can go without the subject.

If this describes your situation, theme you should know that you are not alone. Unless you reach the right topic, your strength decreases. To become an expert, learning enough that subject will be a fierce battle, but it is not impossible.

  • You do not know who your audience is.

You can learn your subject, but struggle to find a fascinating angle. In it, you are definitely in a better position than your searchers who are still in the subject search phase. Finding your niche to find your audience comes down, and in it, research is your friend.

Start by identifying the characteristics of the broad audience. Do you want to teach adults or children? Employees in an organization, or self-motivated learners? Beginners or advanced students? You can learn the answers to these questions without thinking – it’s just a matter of deciding what you want.

Otherwise, connect and start looking for answers. Run a survey on your blog. Ask an Internet forum. Google. Create a student’s profile that you want to teach, and start writing your content for that persona.

  • You are not sure that it is commercially viable.

It’s one thing to be excited about a course idea, this is another thing that will be completely a business success. How will it know that whenever you start developing it,  your course will be worth it?

The reality is, unless you launch your course, you will definitely not know. However, you can have a good idea looking at your market. See the weather there is strong competition for similar courses, and then to see if you have a unique idea, check those people against your plan. If you are blogging about the idea of your curriculum, you can vote to see your audience also that they are interested in or determine their course to make money.

  • You do not know what LMS to choose.

Choosing the right LMS is an important part of your course development. Although this is not the first thing you need to decide, the right LMS can help to overcome some important obstacles to start looking.

First of all, consider whether you want a hosted and self-hosted platform or not. (We recommend self-hosting, but the choice is yours.) Remember that there is something more to consider than cost: you may need some features of your course concept, or you can use a specific type of plugins may be required. And of course, easy integration and intuitive interfaces should also be the high priority.

  • You do not know how to organize your course.

Director design is a complete topic, and if this is where you are in the process of making your course, then this is not a bad place. There is a lot to learn from online learning practices to effective visualization methods and more information come every day.

Knowing your way around director design is the best practices important. But there is a limit to what you can learn without putting that knowledge into practice. So, if you hit a point where you are convinced with the basics, think about creating a micro course for testing purposes. You can see what works, then expand the large curriculum you learn.

  • You do not know how to test your course.

The test can be in the form of technical or simple. Your Learning Management System can provide you with some metrics, and you can work with the plugins to learn more. If everything fails, you can do it in the old way and send a simple questionnaire.

In many cases, there is nothing mysterious about to test your course. It’s like launching it-just with a group of people. Do not be afraid that you are not going to correct it. The only way is that you can do it wrong, it is not doing at all.

  • You are afraid that your course is not enough.

If this is not an unholy syndrome, then it is perfectionism. You can put your heart and soul in your curriculum, and yet it is not convinced that it is ready for the world. You have standard. We got it.

Unfortunately, neither your time nor your course will ever be correct. Instead of trying to get an impossible standard on your first attempt, get your curriculum in front of your students, and start learning from them. They will show you how to improve your curriculum at any time.

For more information about online courses visit: WordPress LMS

Do You Need an App for Your Online Courses?

Sometimes we want something, but that does not mean we need it.

In the last few years, I have seen a pretty typical life cycle for those people who are successful in creating their online course programs. It usually goes something like this:

online app
  1. Start marketing the course before its creation
  2. Use LMS like WPLMS to build a course
  3. Provide courses in your email list
  4. Boost your course list with complementary courses
  5. Provide more value for the course experience

The last step (enhancing the course) is the last for one reason. If you try to provide additional value to people before taking the course, then you are wasting your energy. Only after going through the course of the people can you think of the productive ways to improve the experience.

The question arises: How do you improve the experience and add value?

There is not one answer to this question as often times the direction you go in will depend on the response from your learners. For example, some people add community elements to their courses using the built-in forum or perhaps the Facebook group.

Applying another strong gaming (or point) system for learners to use as other digital currency.

And then there are people who want to “up” their mobile game by applying the actual app experience.

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Best WordPress LMS Theme

WPLMS is a Learning Management System for WordPress. It is not just a WordPress education theme but a complete eLearning suite. It is suitable for Educational Training Centres, Corporate training, Coaching centers, Course tutors, College, Academy, University, School and MOOC platform. It is an eLearning WordPress theme for course management, instructor, and student management using which you can create and sell your courses online. For more detail:


Using Content Distribution to Market E-Learning

Will the content delivery platform help you to increase your program, or distract from your site?

Have you ever considered writing an article about your e-learning course like medium distribution? If so, you are not alone. As a vehicle to connect viewers with viewers, there is an attractive sales pitch in the middle. But like many marketing ideas that seem very easy, it’s downsides.

If you are thinking that you have to publish your latest article on the Content Delivery Platform or on your blog, here are some factors.

The pro: reaching a large audience quickly.

The big advantage of using a medium (or linked content of LinkedIn, or public platforms like Quora or Reddit) is that it keeps you in front of many people (potentially).

Writing a thoughtful article is not difficult, which acquires some thousand thoughts and several hundred likes (or upvote, or +1). And that kind of meditation can be encouraging. It can also do some sales. But before you start dedicating all your energy in that direction, there is one more thing to remember.

The con: losing control of your own content.

The content published on your site is related to you. But when you publish on someone else’s site, when you are not owned, you control the control of that content.

Let’s say the website is the path to MySpace. All the posts you create go with it, as did the viewers to generate. Or, they can change how content is displayed and formatted, or they update the algorithm you suggest, to determine what your article is to suggest.

All these things are known to happen, and when they do, it puts the energy you invested into that energy at risk. And if this argument sounds familiar … well, there is a reason for this.

Deciding where to host your content is similar to deciding where to host your course.

As it turns out, using one of these content hosting platforms is very much like choosing a hosted learning management system such as Udemy for your course. You gain a lot of convenience and access to the audience, but you lose control of your product, your visitors, and your information.

Now, maybe you do not consider this kind of bad thing. Not everyone is comfortable in handling everything. But if you are going through all the hassles of making the material in your curriculum market, then it is important to factor in the returns from your investment.

Content delivery platforms benefit from your continued use. They benefit from your content, because thousands of users post well-written articles on their site, bringing lots of traffic every day. And that traffic is very worthwhile for them.

But only a fraction of the traffic coming from that site will eventually return it to your website on your post. It may still be worth it, but only when your website is ready to handle new visitors.

Content distribution has value—but only after you’ve done work on your own site.

If you are still set to use a forum like Medium or LinkedIn to expand your audience, then there is a way to do it effectively for eLearning. Here’s how it goes:

1. Put your own blog first.

Yes. I’m serious. You still have to do this. The whole point of reaching a larger audience is to draw them to your site. If you don’t have content on your site to back up your content distribution strategy, then you will waste a lot of time.

2. Consider the audience on the platform.

If you have reached a site like Quora or Reddit with a strong sales pitch, you will laugh at the site. You can do the best on such sites that you put a link in your profile and then engage the community as a colleague, not as a sales vendor.

On the other hand, platforms such as Medium or Published content on LinkedIn encourage professional expertise. You can talk about your business more easily on these sites without the fear of audience shocks.

3. Write a share-worthy article.

Easier said than done, right? But if you have spent enough time on your blog then honoring your writing skills and refining your message, you are more likely to draw this step.

4. Write, publish, and link back.

When you visit your content on a platform of your choice, make sure that the article contains many links in the body, go back to relevant articles on your site. Again, it would be easy if you have pieces of high-value content on your site that you want to link to. Your links should feel natural and user-oriented. If your link is sequential, then it will only cause high bounce rates, and you will lose credibility.

90–95% of your content should still be on your site.

Even when you decide to publish articles on the medium sometimes, most of your efforts will remain on your site. If you publish a weekly blog, maybe once in the quarter you can try publishing on the medium. If you publish two or three times a week, you can use another channel once a month.

Whatever you decide to do, it is important to keep the purpose of your strategy in your mind the most important. These sites can help you build listeners, but if the audience does not have to go anywhere, you will not like it. So, underline your content, and once you run that machine easily, then start thinking about more creative methods to reach new readers.

Get more information visit: WordPress LMS

How to Prepare for a Course Launch Through Your Email List


The secrets of preparing for a course launch through your email list is the secret partition if you create a Segment of Subscriber, which is called “Leeds” and sends a series of emails targeted in that segment before you launch. , You will get a lot of opportunities to get the results you want to see.

Go ahead with everything you need to do to prepare for launching the course through your email list.

This article is very helpful for course launch through your email list.

Article source:

Do you learn to learn online? Here are 9 tips!


Some tips to help the online teacher plan their first course

An increasing power on the market with online education, more entrepreneurs than ever before, are getting inspiration to launch their own online course. However, for many of these potential teachers, the first hurdle is to learn how to teach a course.

You have never taught a class before, there are some basic principles that you should be familiar with before you begin. And even if you have read a course, then doing this for the first time is a different experience. What steps can you take to prepare yourself ahead of time?

Fortunately, there are several top tips here to help you get started as an online teacher.

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2017 Highlights for WPLMS


It can not be believed that the year 2017 has become so fast that it has been a big year for WPLMS because we have completely shifted from WP theme oriented infrastructure to other technologies and fields.WPLMS is the best learning management system. 2017 is very helpful for WPLMS. WPLMS created many features.These features are:

  • WPLMS gift course
  • WPLMS course templates and package uploader
  • WPLMS custom learning paths
  • WPLMS Rest API
  • WPLMS student mobile App

If you want to get more information about WPLMS features then visit this page.

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WPLMS Highly Ranked in the LMS Industry


WordPress is often a viable learning management system, and WPLMS helps to steer the means.

This was the time that I thought about the idea of WordPress as a learning management system when attending a client meeting wherever we have a tendency to were discussing open supply LMS choices.

After that meeting, I turned to my colleague and told them however I believed WordPress would be an extremely cool LMS if done properly. They responded with, “What’s WordPress?” and then that marked the start of a brand new blog, that eventually changed into a project, that successively became the WPLMS software package.

Article source:!WPLMS-Highly-Ranked-in-the-LMS-Industry/cu6k/5aa0e5c33a1a3d1db5dfba10

Creating a WPLMS Course Video Series


If you are creating a course using WPLMS, it may be useful to “look over your shoulder” and observe someone guiding you through the necessary steps.

The reality is that the software is excellent, but everyone will have questions at some point. Maybe it’s with respect to a particular configuration, or maybe about the best way to set up a course. Surely someone can tell you how to do it, but seeing it done can go a long way.

It is with this in mind that we have published a series of videos of the course Creating a WPLMS course on our YouTube channel.


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The ideal time to cross-promote your courses


Whether or not you sell your studies, it is important for your teacher to know about your offering.

One of the best moments to promote or promote your courses is right after someone completes a course, but surprisingly many people do not take advantage of this moment.

Instead, they allow their students to complete the course and then decide what to do on their own.

If you are selling courses, you are missing a great opportunity! When your students complete a course they have a sense of accomplishment. They feel good about what they have done. A student who is happy will be much more receptive to his other offers than one who is not.

Fortunately, there is an easy solution for this, and it is to present a special message to your students immediately after completing a course. In WPLMS this is very easy to do taking advantage of the “Complete Course“. You can see this in action in the video at the top of the page.


Here is a suggestion to increase your entry

Of course, showing your other courses will help you raise awareness and increase your income, but there is another method you can consider. At the end of the course, offer your students a discount code in one of their other courses.

People love surprises, and they also love exclusive offers. This method rewards those who clearly invested in its content. And you know what they say: it’s easier to sell to current customers than to get new ones!

The discount code does not have to be massive, just enough to be attractive and appear valuable.If you are currently selling courses, check what your students see immediately after finishing. It is most likely that you present them with a certificate, but if that is all you are doing, you are missing a great opportunity!


WPLMS is the best theme to creating a website.